Complex made simple

Explainer videos are powerful tools for companies and organisations that need to explain complex topics

A well-thought-out explainer quickly gives the viewer an understanding of the topic at hand:

»Now I understand!«

Furthermore, an explainer video can be used on multiple platforms and in many different situations – on websites and social media, in events, at meetings, etc.

A journalistic approach

Explain Agency uses a journalistic toolbox to produce explainer videos. That means we are not only animation experts. We are also text experts.

Every production starts with a thorough interview with the client. Next, we begin producing a text that follows the rules of journalism: it cuts to the chase and explains everything in simple terms.

When the text is done, the storyboarding and visual production begin.

A mix of traditional graphics and hand drawings

Explain Agency typically produces a mix of traditional graphics and hand drawings for the videos. This approach gives the videos an authentic expression that many people tend to like.

We are also happy to deliver other visual styles, however.

Everything is taken care of

If you hire Explain Agency, you can sit back knowing the process follows a clear-cut plan. You are welcome to be highly involved in the process, but you can also take a more laid-back approach.

What is needed from your side is a bit of preparation, participation in a thorough introductory meeting, and feedback on the text, the storyboard, and the final video.

Feel free to get in touch if you want to become one of Explain Agency’s highly satisfied clients.