The process behind a good explainer video

All video productions at Explain Agency follow a well-defined plan where we continuously involve the client. Here are the most important steps:

1. Start-up meeting

It all begins with a comprehensive conversation with the client. Together, we thoroughly review the subject matter and all essential aspects of the video. Explain Agency takes on the role of a journalist, attentively listening and asking questions.

2. The text is born

When Explain Agency fully understands the topic, we produce the text for the video. This text succinctly and precisely conveys the key points. We then send the text to the client for review.

3. Storyboard

After the client approves the text, we create a storyboard outlining the video scene by scene. We subsequently share the storyboard with the client.

4. The production begins

Once the client approves the storyboard, we begin producing the video itself. If the client has a design manual, we take that into account as well.

5. Sound and completion

When the client has approved the visual elements of the video, the voice-over for the video is recorded. We also add sound effects and music if that is part of the deal.

The final video is delivered in a standard format compatible with virtually all platforms.